Title: Your Blue Veins
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Summary: Albus watches his lover sleep; Hurt/Comfort-ish
Rating: PG
Word Count: 494
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Beta: The lovely & talented
miints! Thank you so much darling!
A/N: This is my very first fic/ficlet/one-shot/drabble (whatever you want to call it). This fic was inspired and the title taken from the Raconteurs’ song, “Blue Veins.” I also wrote from my own perspective, in a sense, of my kink for pale-skinned beauties and how you can see veins in people (I have a thing for veins; it’s creepy, I know, but I blame five years of Pre-Nursing classes). I’d really appreciate feedback, but I ask you to be gentle!
Albus sat up in bed in a cold sweat. He didn’t know what awoke him, but a quick glance at the clock on the nightstand told him it was three in the morning. He sighed, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. There were no bad dreams to speak of, just a lingering feeling of panic that he couldn’t explain. Ignoring it, Albus turned in bed, being careful not to disturb his bedmate. If he woke up Scorpius...well Albus knew he would never hear the end of it.
As he settled back down into bed, willing his heart to stop beating so fast, Albus looked upon the sleeping form of Scorpius Malfoy. The moonlight streamed through the open window, bathing Scorpius in pale glow. Albus lay down beside him, looking, just looking. He couldn’t believe this man was his. His eyes roved over Scorpius, taking in the details that could only be seen at night when he was sleeping. Scorpius didn’t stand to be under such scrutiny when he was awake, complaining that “it was creepy” when Albus stared at him so. But Albus couldn’t help it, so he had to seek refuge in his late night observations.
The first thing Albus always noticed was how pale the sleeping boy was. So pale, that Albus could trace the lattice of blue veins from his wrists to the crook of his elbow. So pale, that Albus could see the web of veins that marked Scorpius’ eyelids, complemented by the nearly invisible blonde lashes. Not a freckle marred Scorpius’ complexion and his hair fluttered in his face with each inhaled and exhaled breath. Albus continued looking at Scorpius’ face, wanting to trace the angles and points that made up the famous Malfoy chin with his fingers. Albus’ green eyes moved down to Scorpius’ pale neck, where he could see a faint pulse of an artery and the dip of his shoulder where he so often nuzzled in. Albus did that just now, his nose rubbing against the spot he loved so much because it was proof there was a heart beating, proof there was blood in those veins, proof that Scorpius was alive. Albus smelled the faint scent of the sun on Scorpius’ skin, combined with the balmy summer breeze coming in through the window.
Scorpius stirred, waking from his sleep. Albus froze, ready for Scorpius’ scolding, but was happily surprised when it didn’t come. Scorpius’ pale grey eyes were still glazed with sleep and his voice was groggy when he asked, “What are you doing?”
Albus blushed and said, “Looking at you.” Scorpius smiled a sleepy grin and closed his eyes as he pulled Albus closer to him.
“Creeper,” was the last thing he said before he drifted back to slumber. Albus smiled to himself as he closed his eyes against Scorpius’ neck and tried to go back to sleep.
Scorpius was the most beautiful thing.