Oct 07, 2005 11:48
Yesterday, I went to Val's after school so we could work on our English project. It's almost finished. Around 4:20, Val gets a phone call, and finds out she was supposed to be at work. Dun dun duuunnn. It was kind of funny, actually. So I went home. I don't even remember what I did for the rest of the day. I know I fell asleep around 6 and woke up around 7. Then I took a shower, and went to bed early. I was extremely tired for some reason. Today was an alright day. It started off going not so great, but with the help of my friends it turned out great. =] Thanks you guys..You always brighten my day ^_^ Anyways, today was our pep assembly. It was pretty darn awesome. I especially liked when we got to stand up and do the YMCA. Tomorrow is Saturday..I can't wait! I get to spend the day with my mom and sisters (and possibly brother) then I get to come back to Bri's for the homecoming party.