Dec 03, 2006 21:03
I got another Puppy!!!!!!
He's Blonde and he is a miniture poodle which is a size bigger then Cajun (my first doggy) Soi far. Cajun kinda seems jealous. the new dog was sleeping in a basket with a chew toy that we bought for him, and my dog went over and started sniffing and then grabbed the toy and ran. it was kinda cute, but since my dog doesnt play a lot we decided to let him have the toy. its actually the same toy from that commerical with the weiner dog who carries it everywhere and then the owner throws it out and goes to like petsmart and gets him a new one, thats the exact toy. anyways we dont have a name for him yet. my mom wants to call him Boo. my dad wants to call him Odie. I wanna call him Bumbles after the Yeti from Rudolph, since it is almost Christmas. Hmmm...actually me and my mom also wanna call him Kahlua. My dad doesnt like it we will name him in a couple of days. either way, he's soooo cute, he just fits into both my hands. and its really weird having a dog that can see and hear us. really weird. im not used to having a dog with eyes that look like eyes. But ya, if you are wondering why we got another dog, its because we wanted a seeing eye dog for Cajun. lol ya, he is that spoiled that he gets his own dog.
Xo Alyssa oX