feast of complications, opportunities and sadness; famine of time

May 28, 2008 04:10

Just when you finish up one unexpectedly time consuming project and prepare to settle in to a couple of weeks of working on your performance for a show that opens in less than 2 weeks (one that you have spent far too little time on) and your neglected board work for the upcoming slew of pre-meeting-meetings, Annual General meeting, and post-AGM-meeting (all within the next few weeks too), what should occur but...

Somewhat by fluke, you are offered a summer job at the university with a project (The Food Security Research Network creation of a campus garden) that is quite up your alley, working with intelligent, interesting people from many different departments. My interviewer actually said (at various points) that my obvious interest in biology/chemistry combined with my background in theatre made me an ideal candidate. I didn't think that was possible. What do you say when someone asks you if you're okay with really flexible hours, lots of independent work, networking with various community groups, doing hands on work in a garden, plus a bunch of research, and starts tossing around phrases such as "finding office space"? You basically forget to ask what it pays, take the job, become convinced they have the wrong person as you are so grossly under qualified (though you saw it was your resume they were praising), and start mashing around your rehearsal schedule trying to fit in a surprise 30 hours/week when they tell you to go down to payroll tomorrow morning.


The daughter of a person very close to your family is killed instantly in a car accident, leaving behind young children, and you have absolutely no idea about what to do or say that might help.

That's when you find yourself sitting up at four in the morning, thinking about really petty and really important things all jumbled up together.
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