I'm going to start keeping a tally of people who ask me if I'm a dancer. Today it was a middle aged russian man renewing his subscription who kept looking at my chest and paid $807.00 in exact change including $7.00 in quarters, and a friendly but confused tiny little indian woman who took half an hour to buy two Swan Lake tickets. Next week I'm going to try to get into those Dance Teq classes just to prove them right.
Yes, I'm at work; second day in a row of sitting on my bum at the box office. Yesterday I managed a few hours of chemistry study. Today, I read the newspaper and named the lone pigeon who hangs around outside the office. Pidette!
Yes, it's rather dull here at the moment. My life needs more meaning than subscription renewals. How come I only go out and paint the the town when someone like
songofparadise is around? I need to break in a bit more here, not to mention break out. As in, I need to get back on stage, and back out in the woods. How many times do I have to tell myself these things before I find myself somewhere where I feel right?
People sure honk a lot on the corner of Yonge and Front. At least it's the nice time of the shift where the sun streams down Front, making the barren 'winter' (haha) street look almost cheerful. Soon
pedxing will walk over and it's off to battle rush hours on the ttc. I think I'd like to go out and do something tonight.
Why does this make me laugh? (edit: broken lj tags ate my entry!)