
Jan 19, 2006 14:29

Sheesh, what a yutz....I last did an entry 7 weeks ago (apparently it's been that long)in hopes of getting myself started on entries again. It took a reminder from a wonderful friend that I hadn't added to it since.

I've been busy and I guess a bit depressed over the last month or so. I've missed talking to friends and have been especially bad about reaching out to the specific friend who reminded me to do an entry. He's been a good friend over the last several years and I fear I haven't been too good a friend lately. So, I'm sorry to all of those I've been ignoring - I've just felt overwhelmed and a bit out of sorts...not my usual self, that's for sure! I've had so much on my mind and while I know this is a good place to put it, I hate to be a downer!

My mother has improved though I continue to worry. Things are slipping with her that a year or two ago would never have gotten by her. I'm not sure that the people we work for haven't noticed too. A year ago we had more business than we knew what to do with and had to turn people away. Now, we've had clients pass away (common in our field), but no replacements have been forthcoming. I am concerned some may have lost faith in our ability to take care of clients with my mother's recent health issues and perhaps what may be memory issues as well. I may have to take a pay cut, which I can ill afford to do and I know the business won't cover any retirement savings this year, which sucks! I it time to move on? Tried to discuss it with Mom, but got the usual responses. She steadfastly refuses to consider retirement. I'm in a quandry - I feel obligated to stay as she has done so much for us, but I have a family to help support as well and can't stay at their expense. More as this saga unfolds!

My eldest son - BIG SIGH. I'm ready to have him evaluated by his doctor and perhaps get some counseling for him. He seems to be sinking deeper and deeper into this hole. I fear some days that I'm losing this battle and fear he's giving up on himself. I'm really worried about him. He is so combative and can't seem to accept personal responsibility for anything! It's scary......such a beautiful and smart boy.....I worry so.

My middle son - poor kid - he plays the role many middle kids play. He tries to please his brother. He tries to please me. He occassionally has his meltdowns (which all 9 year old boys do - ok, which all of us do), but he tries so hard. I hate seeing him in that position. He's exceling at school. He's exceling at karate (just passed his 3rd stripe in Orange - on to Purple). He's a good scout. He's getting ready for baseball where he is one of the best players at his level (according to his last team, not to

My baby is walking. They grow so fast. He's an absolute crack up! He's into everything. He says Mama, Dada, Santa, Doggy, Kitty, and Hot. I'm sure he says other things too, I just haven't figured out what they are yet! He's really a sweetheart and everyone tells us he ought to model as he is so beautiful. We'll see.

My husband continues to be a rock, despite his crazy wife's worry and woe. He began a new job in the city working for Trader Joe's. He has to start at the bottom, but they have wonderful benefits, there is a lot of room for him to move up in the company and ultimately, the pay should be at least twice that of where he used to work. He's not enjoying the commute, but it is interesting the way they do things and he should hopefully see a lot more reward for working there.

Me, I'm ok....just a worried always.

Well, I've gotta go pick up my middle son -

Thank you, my dear friend, for reminding me to write. I'm glad to get your note about what's been going on with you. I've missed you terribly. I think of you often and almost sent you a text message the other day - but thought you'd

Sleep with angels!

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