Cut me some slack

Jun 28, 2005 19:45

Dear God,

I am truely thankful for everything that you have given me. I am grateful for the friends that you have bought into my life. They truely deserve to be happy. I am extremely grateful for the family you have given me. They take care of me, protect me, and love me more than words can say. I am grateful for the home you have supplied me with and all the possesions that I own. Amen.

would you like to know whats going on in my life? well let me start with last night. I cried. mom stayed awake with me for a long time trying to give a reason for everything that i was saying. but that was just the night. That morning i woke up not feeling at all good. But i got up and went to camp-3 hours into the day, i found myself collapsed on a table. And the sad thing is i have no clue how i got there. i had nurses and a doctor around me. i was just walking and my ears were ringing nd clogged and i saw blurry and then i woke up to people around me asking if i was okay--yes..of course i was "OKAY" i had just blackedout and awoke when the table broke my faces fall. but i was "OKAY".

now let us venture back-to about saturday. we were driving back from softball games when my dad suddenly thinks it would be really cute to ask me what i felt about putting my dog to sleep. how do you respond to that? lets proceed back more.

last weekend my cousins came to visit-and i learn that my unlce is in the hospital with clogged artiries. and thats when the vet tells us that they found nothing wrong with our dogs tail they have no clue whats wrong with it. but yup things were "OKAY"

back more to before school ended..::chuckle:: yeah, the deca thing. how lucky am i to have 3 other people running against me WHILE in every other category it was no people...or 2 people. then how my teacher thinks it would be nice to say that i would be a better class rep. BUT i was "OKAY"

back fight with jorgie. yeah i was pissed. but me and him were like brother and sister. and yeah i hold grudges. but that was one of the worse things t hsat coulda happened to me. it was like losing one of my best friends..not only that, but now my aunt wouldnt talk to me either. but everything was "OKAY"

back more-fcat writing. simply stated. but i was "OKAY"

now i can go back farther--because there are 6 more events that lead up to this entry but these events are far too personal. but "OKAY"

my definition of OKAY--: when things in life suck but you pretend that they dont.

ps--if you think im over exaggerating, being a drama queen, being a whiney bitch or anything can kiss off. okay? okay.
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