Apr 23, 2005 20:16
o-okayy!! today was AH-mAY-ZING funn!!! me lo and lauren and my father worked at concession!! MAJOR funnn stuufff!!! thhhenn me and lo went to eat at applebeees (yumm yumm) and then we went to barbies game!! im so proud of my little bitty cousin!!! yayayayayayay!! omg then lauren drove over to the park and wooooowww!! these kids kept telling me to come over and i kept going one minute one minute!! so when lauren came we sta on the stairs and me and lauren we like annoyinmg this kid really bad so he kept trying to throw the ball at us lmao!! omg!! hahaha!! then they were makimg fun of us (me-girafe lo-lion lauren-anne frank) hahahah!! so they sat down at our table and were being mean but we didnt care haha then they left we listen to the burrito song then they came back and bj was smoking blahhh then they left then we went to jamba juice and honked at them hahaha!! the there were hott guys next to us and lauren was waving but then some lady with a beehive stopped in front of them.. then we met up with padre pepe and pablo LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhaahhaahahah!! ooh but i will give a better update later im m going BOWLING FOOLS!!!!
ooooooookay i am back form bowling a high score of an 81!!!! wooo!! haha! okay so lemme get into more details since i have time
concession was pretty funn i really enjoyed making slushies!! i cannot wait to start working there!!! woo!
okay so lauren left a little early to go to dance so we met up with her at the park!! and we walked all the way to the corner to bring her there but she still missed us lol!!! so then we walked over and some little rotund boy was all like hey he wants to talk to you and i was like in a mintue..so we walked around and i showed lauren brett---*drool* and she was like hes pretttyyyy cutteee!! then we chilled in the park for a while and then we sat and the stairs and we were cheering the little rotund boy on better know as P.A.T sooo he decides to be a little douche and throw the ball at us so we go with my mom and dad and then we walk past then and the told me i was a giraffe an that lo was a lion anf lauren was anne frank and i we didnt care but we were dying of laughter and we walked over the picnic tables and patty and weston followed us and they were talknig to us and pat was trying to be mean to us and he said we were rich little kids from the springs wearing holl-ee-ster and we were just laughing at his gay-tendencies...so then weston was liek you go to taravella why dont i know you guys then and then i was like i dunno but w/e and thne the left and then we went to laurensar to listen to the burrio/taco song hahahahahahahaha!! "can i have an en-cha-lata?" then we went back to our table and PATTY came along and he was like immmm backk!!! and we were like :-| yay.. so then they talked to us and were gay and weston and some fat kid came and them bj came and he was smoking and we were like COUGH!! and pat told us to try his drink and we were like ah def not... then pat went away and then bj and the fat kid did too and weston left and we decided to go to jamba juice!! so i am proud to say that me and laura were the first people to be in laurens car ... :D !! then there were these hott guys and yeah explained that already..then hahah w/e skip to bowling...we had to wait 30 minutes to bowl and we just sat there in our little swinging chairs swinging... then they called us and we got to go on the expert sides!! (do we look like experts? oh heck yes!!!) then we had NO bumpers and i got a stee----rikkeee!!! HOLLA!! thennn these random kids started to talk to us and they sat down at our table...ahahah eric and mike!! new friends... YESSS!!! then they left and so did we..(we saw andres there haha) and yeah thats all i <33 lo and lauren!! good times!!