Jan 12, 2006 11:05
My revising isn't going very well. I didn't study at all yesterday and I told myself that today I would wake up early to study. Did I? No. Well, I did wake up around 9ish to the sound of my sister talking in her loud voice, but I just could not get up. I should've known. Sleep always wins in the morning, unless I have a good reason to get up. Studying is obviously not a good enough reason. So, today when I finally did get up a bit before 11, I got online, chatted on msn until it was time for me to go the dentist. Found out I have 3 cavities, but the dentist wasn't willing to take care of them since I don't have a taiwanese health insurance card. Don't know how I'll take care of them now, since it's super duper expensive to go to the dentist in England. Oh well, to comfort myself, I dragged my mom along to Shi Men Ding after the dentist and bought myself some boots! :) Finally. They cost me 390NT, which is around 10 euros, so not bad at all. They aren't that great though, I mean, I have seen nicer ones, but for that price they are excellent. That is now the 4th pair of shoes that I have bought since I've been here. I am quite afraid that my favorite pair is going to fall apart at some point because I noticed today that they are not made very well. But hey, what can you expect? Taiwan quality isn't so great. Oh, and I also bought myself some more underwear. I love how you can get nice underwear for so cheap here! 3 pairs for only 100NT (2.50€)!! They are quite small though, since chinese girls are so freakin skinny. So I hope at least some of them are wearable.
On sunday I head back to Manchester. Apart of me will be very happy to go back since then I can have my privacy again and I'll be free to do whatever I want. But apart of me will also miss my family a heck of a lot. Although this year it won't be as bad leaving them because I know I'll get to see them again in June and I'll be spending the whole long summer with them in Finland. I'll really miss Sandra though, she brings so much joy to my everyday life here. She's so cute and I love it how she so often just comes up to me, hugs me and kisses me and says "Marika, I love you."
Oh well, I really need to get some studying done now. My super exciting Statistics book awaits me. Woohoo! Let the fun begin!!!