Jul 03, 2006 10:10
Well, I'm back from New Mexico and I must admit that IT WAS THE AWESOMEST THING I'VE EVER BEEN TO SINCE THE LAST REUNION. XD
At first, I thought it was gonna suck ass because I didn't really know anybody there.
I mean, c'mon.
Do you really expect me to remember people I have met only a couple times in my life at a reunion that usually takes place every three years?
No, I didn't think so.
At least they knew who my parents were though.
Ha! My parents weren't even at the reunion...
So whenever a relative would be like, "Who's the white girl?" I'd respond, "Veronica's daughter." Then they'd look at me like, "O_O Really? Wow, last time I saw you was...blah blah blah."
Even though I'm half hispanic, I felt sooooo out of place.
Think about it.
I was this seventeen year-old white girl running around a huge ass ranch in New Mexico with my full blooded hispanic relatives.
I thought I was gonna blind them all with my whiteness.
Eric and Alex had already been there a day before I got there.
They went around telling our cousins that I glowed in the dark because I was so white. XD
But anyway...
Friday night I stayed up till like, 1 a.m. or something playing basketball, cards and other stuff.
On our way to New Mex, we bought fireworks. XD
They have fireworks stores EVERYWHERE.
Pretty nifty.
The only thing was, we couldn't use them because it was so dry out.
It's like, a $300 fine if you light'em.
That mad me sad...but we did bring them home!
Saturday was a blast although I thought it would take forever to start the dance.
Ha, it almost did.
During the day, I played in a horseshoe tournament. That was an experience.
I almost knocked someone out from chucking that sucker. They're heavy. Oh, and it didn't help that I had never played before. XD
They had karaoke.
After hearing some of those people sing, I decided it was best that I just sleep the rest of the day. o__o
The dance was the shit.
It pretty much started at dusk and lasted until 3 a.m.
At first, they only played Country shit with a mix of Mexican music.
I was like, "Kay...no."
I did dance with my immediate relatives though.
That was fun.
After a while, no one was dancing and it was awkward.
My aunt put on something fast and told me to start a conga line.
Twas a "whatthefuck" moment.
And you know what?
I did it. XD
People finally joined in and we did crazy movements and basically danced in circles. XD
Then, the old people decided to take over.
All the younger generations of cousins were in the back playing cards, drinking, and smoking.
Okay, not all of them were smoking, but some were.
Again, another "whatthefuck" moment.
There were thirteen year old kids running around drinking beer.
Okay, it was BudLight, but still...You get the point...
A lot of the younger parents were wasted.
It was highly entertaining.
I think around 11:30 or 12, the younger generations took over the floor.
All the old people had gone to bed.
We partied, people drank, stumbled, attempted to dance and even held a break dance competition. XD
It was a thing of beauty though, even if they were all drunk. XD
Holy shit.
My other cousins and I almost went cow tipping. XD
The only thing was, it was too damn dark to see and we probably would've killed ourselves trying to get to the cows. O:
They sure were cute though.
There was a calf. X3
Oh! Around 6 a.m., the cows would come into the yard and eat the apple and pear trees. They'd moo there freaking heads off too. IT WAS SO CUUUTE.
And yet, I still wanted to go cow tipping. :|
XDD What can I say?
They had kittens there too!
We named them Cloud and Vincent.
Don't ask me why. XD
I had soooo much fun.
Sadly, I now have to pack for Boston since I'm leaving this Friday.
I should just pack up all my shit and live in a suitcase.
And then it made me want to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 really really really really bad. :|
Doesn't it come out this Friday?
I thought about going to the midnight showing, but I don't know what time I'm flying out the next day...
I dun wanna be home for only three days. ;O;
Know what I realized driving back into AZ?
There is a shitload of advertisment for Native American stuff.
Not that it's a bad thing or anything, I'm just saying that every couple feet there'd be a sign that sad something about Indian jewelry or reservations or something.
Again, it's not a bad thing, it just kinda rubbed off that they were whoring themselves. XD
Oh, and every other sign had something about "bring your cameras."
Wowzers. That was a long entry. O____O