(no subject)

Oct 18, 2011 15:37

I have had a lot of luck lately making connections. With November speeding towards us, it is only a matter of time before plans are set in motion. And I will warn you ahead of time, it may be a bit rough. I will explain later but I will not hold anything back. The excerpt was posted yesterday and already I’m receiving great and eager for more feedback. I’m looking forward to the next step because I have been able to focus and have come to terms with what has transpired in the past year.

A year ago, I was in love with Dillon (and I still love him). I was prepping my Halloween costume for the best Halloween costume ever (still wish I had done better on it but it was by far my favorite costume-the party was less than stellar. This year’s will be amazing). I was still fresh in my new job (I’m now an official employee so the freshness is gone). Now, I have a great place to live, I have great support and I do not have to have the weights of last year’s experiences pulling me down. But it has fueled me.

That is what excites me. I have come full circle. A whole year has gone by. So much experience under my belt, I am ready to dive right in and piece together what I want and shove a big “fuck you” to what tried to bring me down. But I am in complete love with this. And I cannot wait.
Side note: it should not be this cold. No one should have the air running in October-neither work nor at home.
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