dude! today totally sux!! its 1 already n i cant find any1 to hang out with! o well..im used to it. o wait..courtney maybe can. hope so! so i havent updated in months except for the songs and the quizzes but screw u! hehe..i cant keep a straight face wen i'm cursing-it's just impossible! lol anyways: my life is goin pretty good. no skool is making me soo stressed out cuz i cant c my friends 5 dayz a week!! my luv life is nothing as usual. yea, a couple guyz like me but noone MY AGE!! its impossible for me to like sum1 in my own grade. all the guyz r either serious and nerdy or popular and jerky and lazy..it f'in pisses me off! OK, now that i got that off my chest i shall now be happy as an ..um i dunno. lol.
i hav sooo many icons now that i went to this site! woo! this was 1 of them...i hav no clue wat love is between a guy n a girl cuz i am such a virgin mary! not really lol well i that was actually really stupid to say cuz virgin mary wouldnt do all the things ive done n she wouldnt hav been called a slut either so there.. OK....wat am i? i know im not virgin mary..definitly not a slut cuz i havent had sex...i guess im inbetween....ehh...well i gtg now..ill update later..kisses! oxox!