rant rant rant!!!

Oct 06, 2008 20:16

so. where does a 26-year-old engaged girl go for some new best friends? got any hints cause i'd sure like to know?

making real friends takes time and effort and it gets harder the older you get. my best friends are all people i've known for more than 10 years; i may sometimes warm up quick on the surface but trust takes a decade. so, from the people i meet now, mostly through friends, work and my few hobbies, the real friends will start to surface when i'm around 40. sheesh.

i used to think of myself as selective with the company i keep. what a joke! sure, "crappy" friends can be good to have around too, the kind of people you can only either go drinking with or people who keep you as a spare second. when this arrangement works on both sides it's fine. it's good to leave your brains at home from time to time. but when you notice the main body of the people you hang out with consists of people who a)only call you when they need a favor or when everybody else is busy b) have questionable morals/behave badly c) are always too wasted or too stupid to know what's going on anyhow... it's time to make some major changes.

so, fuck all this then. i used to think it's sometimes better to have bad friends than no friends at all, but i was wrong. people who give you negative feelings should simply be cut from your life, it might sting for a bit but you really are better off without them.

i haven't got enough friends to spare, not really. but there are people in my life i will now be getting rid off. i will be better for it. if you're still reading this and want to have that cup of coffee or a pint i would love to, as long as you're not territorial/self-centered/insane/bitchy or all of the above. to hell with sympathy, from now on all you ladies out there acting like cunts will soooo be hearing about it instead of me trying to be nice to everybody out of fear of being left alone.

umm.. what else? cut my hair. i look about 7 years old. i like it.
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