May 11, 2006 19:19
I checked my body mass index today on some MSN link. If it’s an accurate test, I apparently fall in with the “normal” crowd. Apparently, I am neither under nor overweight. I’m trying to accept the fact that I cannot be waif-like, especially at my age. But I’ve always liked the Twiggy physique. Some people say models like that look like the crack addicts they probably are, that they appear malnourished and strung-out. But I think it’s sexy. I don’t know who ever told me to think that. My boyfriend likes curves and, it seems, so do most men. I am smart enough to know supermodels and movie stars aren’t a majority by any stretch. I’m also smart enough to know about marketing ploys, camera tricks and airbrushing. Still, I am ever plagued by the desire to be skinny. …Well…maybe it’s subsiding a little. Luke helps. Trying to notice more normal women my age helps. Anyway, this preoccupation of mine is such a vain one. There are so many more important things in the world, so many things a hundred times more worthy of my attention. If I could shake it off, I’d be much happier. Recognizing that is motivation in itself.