I feel total Bliss right now, what the frick?

Feb 07, 2005 20:53

I feel almost high or some higher state of being at the moment. Jessica left a while ago. I was falling asleep and she had to go back to school so I walked her out to her car and then came back in and fell onto the bed and passed out. I am not sure if was the sleep or the sweet talk that Jessica and I had before she left that has put me into this mood. Everything in the world is right.

I made SAB I am Services Co-Chair. I get to do fundraisers and whatnot. Its cool b/c it’s more of planning events that will raise money for the community than just the school. The other girl, Sarah, made it as well. She ended up getting the position that I wanted but I think in the long run this one will be better. We had our first meeting today, we were introduced to the rest of the club and played a 'get to know everyone' game. We had cookies, strawberries, blue berries, and some other stuff that is what I just ate.

I called EB today wondering if I they got the results back from the "Would you take $$ if you knew you weren't going to get caught?" test OR if I did that bad on it. Thankfully it was the latter. Meaning they didn't get it yet. Whew! Sure would suck if I didn't get hired b/c of a phone test that I failed.

OKAY, I finally saw Napoleon Dynamite . . . Wow, what a groovy movie. It’s a great love story about over coming your fears and standing up for yourself and that when the odds are against you that you should never give up. That and you have to make sure you leave room in your locker for Nun-chucks. GOD!

Finally, I have a blog out there in cyber space and I hardly ever use it (okay twice) but I was on it trying to post something but next thing I know I am on another blog of some girl from Spain, I couldn't read anything but found a song that has just set the mood. I don't think it's Spanish b/c if it was I could figure it out, so I think that it's French. I usually don't like the French language. To me it sounds chopped up and people change the sound of the word in the middle of it coming out of their mouth. It’s just that I usually don't like the way French sounds (Nada Surf, you know I love you, but I hate the song y'all did in French). I have it saved to my media player and I have had the song on repeat for the past 15 minutes. It is a soft 2:46 long song, its mostly just a guitar maybe two of them. Yeah listening now I think that it is two. Some strings at the end, maybe violin (?) only a quick bit, sort of a whirling sound in the background.
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