HP Make Me Choose Meme

Sep 09, 2016 22:17

Because this is really interesting and it'd been a while...time for a meme. 100% nabbed from kitty_fic. Enjoy and feel free to do this too!

➵ hermione granger or ronald weasley

➵ avada kedavra or expelliarmus

➵ elder wand, resurrection stone, or invisibility cloak

➵ ravenclaw, slytherin, hufflepuff, or gryffindor (yes, Slytherin even though I'm half Slytherin and half Gryffindor...)

➵ dumbledore’s army or the order of the phoenix

➵ the first or the last harry potter film

➵ diagon alley or hogsmeade (if you've gone to the park addition at Univerisal Orlando, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about!)

➵ yule ball or bill and fleur’s wedding

➵ house cup or the triwizard tournament (yeah, no one wants to die, thanks!)

➵ potions or defence against the dark arts

➵ dragons or house-elves

➵ the seven horcrux or the three deathly hallows

➵ quidditch or hogwarts express (I love both, but with Quidditch having been part of my life for 4 years...yep)

➵ polyjuice potion, patronus charm, or unforgivable curses

➵ death eaters or dementors (*cringes* both aren't very great)

➵ godric gryffindor, helga hufflepuff, rowena ravenclaw, or salazar slytherin

➵ order of the phoenix or goblet of fire (HANDS DOWN GoF!)

➵ minerva mcgonagall or albus dumbledore (You do not mess with this woman. She's also awesomesauce!)

➵ bellatrix lestrange or narcissa malfoy (Because. :) )

➵ ron/hermione or harry/ginny (I guess after they go through marriage counselling...)

➵ thestral or hippogriff (yes, it's not great to know you can see them if you've seen death, but they're really interesting creatures...)

➵ sirius black’s motorbike or the ford anglia (I'm a sucker for cars)

➵ godric’s hollow or the burrow

➵ neville longbottom or harry potter (Neville's cool, don't get me wrong. But Harry's...Harry. And I can relate to him a lot. And also cosplay as him :P)

➵ james and lily or snape and lily (I appreciate Snape's love for Lily. But a. Harry wouldn't exist and b. they just make me think of the marauder era and imagine how much bickering they must have done. IDK)

➵ the golden trio or the silver trio

➵ remus lupin or sirius black

➵ severus snape or draco malfoy (Okay, so Draco's my absolute fav. With Severus right after. So...choosing is make me a bit sad!)

➵ the malfoys or the weasleys (OKAY...so I like the Weasleys, I do. I have my own version of Weasleys in RL. But Malfoys have such an intense and deep history. They're also smooth and classy in a way I could never be. Also...Draco. So. )

➵ love potions or the time turner (only when needed)

➵ the tale of the three brothers, harry potter and the cursed child, or fantastic beasts and where to find them (only because I want to draw more weird magical creatures that Hagrid would like).

harry potter, general, meme, flist

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