since i've written a fan fic i daresay., work and such has gotten the better of me and made me leave many works unfinished. shame on me. but maybe this might make up for it. wanted to get this introduced before working on other installments of course...enjoy!
Title: Overcoming Darkness (Ch. 1)
Author: sugareey
Rating: this chapter is pg
Pairing: H/D of course!
Summary: Harry Potter always dreams of darkness. He can't sleep. Voldemort's making things worse. But Draco is miraculously the one to help him. Draco reconsiders where his loyalties lie. Maybe both Harry and Draco will overcome darkness...together.
Disclaimers: props to J.K.R. as for manipulating her can thank me.
Warning: it's going to start off soft...but it'll get interesting before you know it..
A/N: betaed finally by xpyromania05x
He peers into the archway, brushing the dangling, curtain aside. What lies beyond is pure darkness. He takes a step forward and stumbles. Before he knows it, he is falling into an everlasting space…
Harry instantly woke up from his sleep. More like a nightmare, because Harry never sleeps anymore. Ever since Sirius’ death, he can’t stop thinking about the “Veil.” The voices he heard… the way the breeze blew the veil… the curiosity behind it. And when Sirius fell through it, he never came back. No one behind that veil ever comes back. Harry always thinks about taking that final step to enter a world beyond the Veil. Maybe it’s what he needs. Maybe he’ll even see his parents again. Maybe…
“But they need you,” his conscience reminds him as he pressed his face into his pillow. That’s a fact: the Wizarding World is relying on Harry. With Voldemort back in power, who is there to stop him? The one and only Boy-Who-Lived of course. Harry wishes someone else could do his deed. He never chose to have his fame. To have that stupid lightening bolt scar on his forehead. Or to be slandered by the Daily Prophet as well as other witches and wizards. He never wanted any of it. And now, Harry Potter must vanquish the Dark Lord. He must become a murderer to save everyone from corruption and danger. He wants to do the right thing. But Harry doesn’t know what’s right or wrong. What is he supposed to do? His friends, Hogwarts, everyone in the Wizarding World he belongs to…they are depending on him now. But then what? After Voldemort ceases to exist…
Harry didn’t want to think about it anymore and rolled out of his four-poster bed. He looked around his dormitory to find Neville, Ron, Seamus and Dean still asleep.
It’s got to be bloody early then…well no matter…
Harry rummaged for his wand and the Marauder’s Map, stuffing them both into his pajama pants pocket. Tiptoeing quietly down the stairs, he made his way across the deserted common room and opened the portrait door.
“ ‘Lo Hedwig,” said Harry deeply as his snowy white owl flew down from her post to perch on his shoulder. Hedwig blinked her amber eyes at Harry before nipping his fingers affectionately. Harry let out a chuckle.
It seemed like his owl was the only living thing that would listen to him. Yes, Hermione and Ron were still by his side, but things were different now. It was hard for Harry to take their advice, or even talk to them. Okay, more like taking their advice since they were always giving him their input about the smallest things nowadays. Fine, that was more like Hermione’s advice. Ron just tried to cheer Harry up with some games of Exploding Snap, Wizard Chess, or maybe a show and tell of the latest Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes invention of Swelling Slugs.
Harry still hasn’t talked to anyone about Sirius though. He’s not sure if he’s even ready to do that yet. People might not understand him. Even though he’s had half of the year to take it in. And yet, it still seems like it all happened yesterday. It happened too fast. Harry didn’t even get to live with Sirius. Of course, not in Grimmauld Place…but they could have gone into the country…
“The sun’s rising,” commented Harry softly as he leaned on the edge the Owlery window, looking into the distance. Reds and oranges illuminated the dawn, making the lake glisten. “It’s so perfect…”
He stroked Hedwig as she cooed in agreement. Harry wants his life to be perfect again. Except, now that he thinks about it, it never was to begin with.
“Talking to yourself again, Potter?” murmured a voice near Harry’s ear. “Or are you teaching your owl how to cuss back at you? In Parseltongue, perhaps?”
Harry whipped his head around to see the face of a certain smirking blond right in front of him. Going with his instinct, he grabbed his wand from his pocket to arm himself. As he backed away, Harry could see that Draco had a scroll of parchment in his hand. Draco’s eagle-like owl rested on his outstretched arm. He, too, was still in pajamas. Dark, green, silky pajamas. The angle of the faint, incoming sunlight made Draco’s hair shine. His gray eyes were brighter than usual. With some effort, Harry tried to ignore these details.
Since when did Malfoy become so attract-I mean noticeable?
“That’s not your concern, Malfoy. What are you up to this early?” responded Harry suspiciously.
“What does it look like, Scarhead? Sending out an owl, of course,” answered Draco.
“To whom?”
“That would be ‘none of your concern,’ now would it?” mimicked Draco as he tied the parchment to the leg of his owl. In mere second, the owl took flight. Then, he nodded to Harry’s hand “What are you going to do with that? Is Potty going to hex me?”
Harry looked down to find himself aiming his wand directly at Draco. Putting his wand away, he crossed his arms.
“Stupid bastard,” mumbled Harry miserably.
At least he has no worries. I have everything to worry about. And he still has the nerve to press my buttons…
“Pardon? Trying to be an arse at this time of day?”
“No, I’m just stating the truth for you, Malfoy. Because you really are a bastard.”
Draco’s eyes suddenly turned icy cold as he narrowed them at Harry. “ Don’t you go telling me that! Me? What did I do to you? Who was the one who landed my father in Azkaban? You. That’s right. You’re the true bastard, Potter! My life is hell because of you…”
“As if mine isn’t?” Harry cut him off. “Me…living for what? The fame? To show off? I have nothing. Your father made sure of that. And you know this for a fact.”
In an instant, Draco balled up his fists before charging at Harry. Wide-eyed, Harry leapt out of the way as Hedwig quickly flew back to her post, hooting angrily. Apparently, Harry didn’t move fast enough as Draco tackled him down to the floor of hay and owl droppings.
Ewww…this is gross…but…
Harry attempted to fight Draco off of him. Instead, the boys rolled around on the dirty floor, struggling to keep control of one another. Draco managed to pin Harry down with his legs as he straddled him.
“Just. Shut. Up.” Draco glared down at Harry. “Don’t tell me what I need to know.”
“But I’m right though, aren’t I Malfoy? No need to deny it. Your father and those stupid Death Eaters…they helped destroy everything just to serve Voldemort….”
Draco slightly winced as he backed away from Harry at the sound of the name.
“Scared of your future master’s name, eh? You shouldn’t be,” whispered Harry maliciously, despite the body pressure on top of him. “Go on…say it. Voldemort…”
“How do you know if he’s going to be my future master, Potter?” asked Draco dangerously.
“Because…” Harry could feel Draco’s nails digging into his arms.
“Because you don’t know. Don’t make assumptions about someone you don’t know.”
Draco stared into Harry’s green, confused eyes. It was like looking into a rough sea on a stormy night.
Harry blinked. Draco’s face was so close to his own that they were practically nose-to-nose. He could feel Draco breathing on him. The pains in his arms were intensifying as Draco pressed his fingers deeper into his skin. Harry’s eyes began to water. And almost immediately, his body was tingling. His scar stung him and his head began to pound. His vision blurred, even with his glasses on.
Malfoy’s trying to make me suffer…why is he doing this to me…
Harry tried to clutch his forehead but Malfoy gripped his wrists tightly. More pounding, more stinging. He scrunched his face up, trying to tolerate the pain, which spread all over his body now. He could no longer see Draco. A white light has blinded his vision. Now, he sees Sirius walking toward him.
Sirius? Is that really you?
Sirius gives Harry a smile. He looks rather handsome, almost young. Clean and groomed. Just like when he attended the Potters’ wedding as best man. Suddenly, the Veil appears out of nowhere, right behind him.
Sirius! Look out!
The Veil begins to suck up Sirius. Harry tries to reach for him, to save him. It’s too late. Sirius disappears behind the Veil, an expression of shock plastered onto his face. Harry waits for the next event to come. Soon, a tall, cloaked figure is regurgitated. Harry can see his long, white fingers coming near him. He tries to duck down but those fingers grasp Harry by the collar nonetheless.
“You’ll be next, Potter…”
That cold, high voice is unbearably familiar. Harry dreads to see the man who takes a hold of him now, the man behind that cloak. He doesn’t want to admit to himself that he knows the answer…the two red eyes pierce into him. The pale, mutant face smiles evilly at him. Harry can only hear the deafening cackling of the man as his vision fades to black, as his head is about to explode…
“Avada Ked-”
“What? Potter, I told you to shut it alre-Potter?”
Draco panicked when he saw Harry’s pupils shrink in size. He immediately released Harry and got off of him, trying to figure out what was going on.
“Potter? What’s happening? Potter? P-potter, answer me! Ha-Harry?”
Draco knelt down next to Harry’s body, trying to feel for a pulse. It was slowing down dramatically. Putting a hand on Harry’s cheek, Draco could only feel coldness.
Shit! Potter’s unconscious! Did I kill him? Oh Merlin’s…
“Harry? You can’t possibly be…I mean…I just…H-harry!”
Draco started shaking with anxiety.
Okay…Draco. Breathe. You’re a Malfoy. No tears…no emotion…
“But he could be dead for all you know!” replied his conscience.
Think fast, Draco. Only armed with wand…finite incantatem? But he’s not affected by a spell! Crap! Okay, it’s definitely not an effect from a dementor…there are none here… Umm…CPR? Should I use that? Granger used it on someone once…
Without a second thought, Draco crushed his lips onto Harry’s. He began blowing hot air into Harry’s mouth. At a really fast pace.
C’mon…this has got to work…shit…just wake up…
Draco slowed down as he continued to blow more air into Harry. He was still puzzled about what just happened.
I didn’t want to kill him. Maybe hurt him but…he wound me up. The bloody Gryffindor! But now he’s d… surely this is my entire fault! This wouldn’t have happened if…
Draco pressed his lips harder on top of Harry’s. He breathed into Harry at a steady pace now. Flashbacks began to fill Draco’s mind as he continued the process. Troublesome memories, that is.
“No. Draco, come with me. You cannot play with them. Malfoys do not associate with such filth.”
Draco sees his childhood self, the joy on his face shattered by his father. Draco is playing tag with some young wizards around his age when Lucius drags him away from them.
“Half-bloods, I daresay. But still not good enough. You need to find yourself some real friends, son. You’ll know where your loyalties lie…”
Draco’s playmates gawk at him as he is pushed away by Lucius. He looks longingly back at them, wanting to play again but…
Draco tried to rid the memory from his head but another one rushed back to him.
“You can do better than that! You couldn’t even catch the damned thing yourself! Right within your reach. But you let Potter win instead!”
A second year Draco bites his lip as Lucius continues to yell at him. It’s the aftermath of the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match. The crowd of Hogwarts students and professors begin to file back to the castle. Draco failed to catch the Snitch, despite Slytherin’s lead in points. Nevertheless, Harry managed to grab it even with a rogue bludger chasing after him.
“You have talent. And you have failed to demonstrate that to me. Why did I buy you a Nimbus 2001? And for the whole team? What a waste of Galleons if you’re not going to use it wisely!”
Lucius’ icy glare fixes upon Draco as he lifts his hand to give Draco a blow on his arm…
“No! F-father! S-stop!” Draco gasped out as he broke away from Harry.
The sunlight was now pouring into the Owlery as Draco looked around him. His pajamas were smeared with owl droppings now. But for once, he didn’t care. He didn’t care about how messy his blonde hair was or that dirt stained his porcelain skin.
What was that? What just happened? Why…
Panting, Draco wiped the sweat from his brow and focused his attention back to the Boy-Who Lived. He could see that Harry was breathing now. Harry’s chest slightly rose before falling again. Draco timidly pressed two fingers on Harry’s neck, just below his jaw line. The pulse was beating faster. Back to normal again.
“P-potter?” whispered Draco gently. “Potter…”
Draco found he couldn’t remove his fingers from Harry’s neck. It felt oh-so smooth. He loved the feeling of the skin as he began to caress it. He looked down at Harry, whose eyes were now closed as he rested peacefully. It didn’t matter anymore that they were on the dung-covered floor. Or that it would be time to get breakfast down at the Great Hall soon. Draco realized he needed someone. Someone who can relate to him…who has troubles to deal with in life, like him.
What? Potter…the Golden Boy…is he the one…?
Continuing to stare at the raven-haired boy, Draco began to notice details. The roundness of Harry’s crooked glasses, the tan of Harry’s skin, the lightening bolt scar, which was slightly red. Draco traced the scar lightly with a finger. Did Voldemort really want to kill this boy? Did his father really help Voldemort mark him? To torture Harry at such a young age?
Draco let his eyes rest on the pink mouth that was now lightly inhaling and exhaling air. Soft plump lips. Draco wanted to revive Harry, to bring him back. He wanted Harry to live once more, to make sure that it wasn’t his fault. He wanted to ask Harry what he saw, to tell him that everything would be okay. He knew whom he needed now, despite much denial. Draco bent over to press his lips delicately onto Harry’s once again. He let his tongue relish the softness of those pink lips. Kissing Harry, he blew one last breath of air into Harry’s mouth before he saw emerald eyes flicker open.
The moment would have been perfect if it weren’t for Harry shoving Draco off of him. The spell of neediness was broken.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Malfoy?” yelled Harry as he scooted away from Draco on the ground. “Are you mad?”
Draco was startled. He gaped at Harry. He forgot how stubborn and irritable Harry was. Getting his act together, he tried to defend himself.
“Potter, I just saved your life! And this is your way to thank me?”
“You just snogged me! How is that help-”
“I did n- ”
“Shut it, Malfoy. Trying to get some from anyone you can get your hands on, eh? That’s sick! I am done dealing with you.”
Harry furiously stared back at Draco. Silence filled the room. Many of the owls in the Owlery were now flying above the boys. Draco continued to gaze into those green eyes, as if under a trance. Harry broke the eye contact, quickly looking away. Wisps of black hair hung in his eyes. Draco couldn’t pull his eyes away from Harry. Harry snorted.
“Slytherins…dirty Slytherins…” muttered Harry under his breath. He tried to stand up but stumbled, immediately falling back to the ground.
Draco rushed to Harry’s side, wanting to aid him.
“I’m fine, Malfoy. Get off of me!” said Harry between clenched teeth as he shook Draco’s hands off his shoulders.
“Clearly you’re not, Potter, if you can’t even stand properly,” replied Draco impatiently, gripping Harry under the arms. “C’mon, get up…”
“I can stand by myself, thank you very much.”
Harry pushed Draco away again. He didn’t want Draco’s help. Because Harry doesn’t need help from anyone nowadays. No one bothered to help him out all of last year until things got ugly in the Department of Mysteries. He can cope with everything himself. He’s always done things himself, anyways.
Why does he bother caring now? What’s up his sleeve this time?
Harry attempted to get up again but to no avail. Draco managed to catch Harry in his arms just as he collapsed backwards. For some odd reason, it felt so right. Harry became aware that he fit perfectly into those silky arms. Never in his life has anyone literally been there to catch his back. He did have Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore and Hagrid. But this was different. This was physical support he was getting now. Yet it was all so bizarre. Harry felt comfort from his archenemy of five consecutive years. Of all people, it was Draco Malfoy who made Harry feel right again for the first time since last June.
Relaxing his muscles, Harry let Draco guide him to his feet as they met each other’s gazes. Time stopped. Green and gray seemed to connect somehow. It was amazingly strange how the two colors complimented each other. Looking closely into Draco’s eyes, Harry could see speckles of silver he never cared to notice before. Draco looked away to reach for Harry’s arm. He draped it over his shoulder, trying his best to support the unstable Gryffindor.
“C’mon, Potter. Off to the infirmary, I suppose. What do you reckon?”
“Err...y-yeah. T-that would be good,” Harry sputtered out. He could feel his cheeks burning as dozens of questions filled his mind. What would Draco tell people? How he snogged the Boy-Who Lived? That Harry had to be saved by him? How Harry fainted, or could have died? Harry would be the talk of the school if anyone knew. He didn’t want that and he couldn’t let that happen.
Harry looked back at Draco inquisitively. “Malfoy?”
“Are you going to te-”
“No,” interrupted Draco. “Trust me, this is not a matter to chatter about. Maybe to Dumbledore though. There’s a lot that needs to be answered.”
Harry nodded in agreement. Draco began to walk slowly, carefully directing Harry out to the corridor.
“Thanks for helping me. And for saving my life, Draco.”
Draco couldn’t help but stop in the middle of the corridor. He raised his eyebrows at Harry, only for Harry to give him a small smile. He returned it with a rare grin of his own and continued to help Harry to the infirmary.
to be continued...
don't get your hopes up now. they won't be too happy for long...hehehehe. feel free to comment!