
Aug 09, 2008 09:26

done with summer school betch.

so, my ex-boyfriend from when i was 16 called me last night at work. we we're about to close& i went in the back to answer. he told me he needed to see me... i was weirded out because 1) never calls me & 2) it's been months since we've hung out. i figured it was because of his girlfriend who doesn't like me even though she has never met me...

our history dates back to when i was stupid. none the less he was my first real boyfriend but it was a weird relationship his like 2 or 3 years older than me& when i was 16 he was 18 i think about to turn 19. idk, anyway. we dated a month, one of my old friends started to get the jones for me when he realized he had no chance with the girl he was chasing. by then it was to late but he kept asking me out& saying how he loved me.... puke. jon got wind from a still unknown source& sent me, drum roll................ a 4 page e-mail of why we shouldn't date.

i was dumb founded. i mean, he was the first guy i told i love you to. crazy right? told you i was stupid. i was a teenager! so, it was over& i tried calling& what not but he never talked to me. a year later we talked a bit but it was still weird& another year pasted& it was a little better. we had a few classes together& it was then alright to be friends again. so, it took two years to be friends. lol.

but anyway... point of my story. he calls saying he has something funny to tell me. so i meet up at hasting how i wish i didn't answer so i could buy a pack of red stripe& watch gilmour girls by myself. shut up. i walk in looking at tarot cards& cursing how expensive they are. i go looking for him& like a dork, i see him in the blueray section. we walk around& i start asking what was so funny. he looked tense but i kept asking& 10mins later i started to get ansty.

well... he has been working 3 jobs& him& his lovely girlfriend live 40 miles away from each other. he murfreesboro, she brentwood (nashville, tn area). she thought he was being distant (no shit, working) she bitches& then gets all on his cause about me commenting on his face book. she knows we have a SHORT dating history. she thinks he's cheating& he breaks up with her.

i almost dropped my coffee. i was like your joking. they had a rocky 3yr relationship but i didn't know it was that bad. i told him she was just on edge& ask if she's ever been cheated on& i think she has. but she broke up with him to see someone else.


so yeah, after that we bought movies went to his house& waited for his friend to come over& watch them. well we watch one movie, forgetting sarah marshall (omg... pee my self!). then we watch a movie from the british What if the South Won: C.S.A.

you need a great sense of humor& an open mind.
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