Mar 05, 2004 20:57
Our trampoline is definitely broken. A loud cracking sound turns heads, it's another of the springs that has flown off. We all stop and giggle, I raise my hand. " I don't feel safe here anymore." Four springs are missing from each side. But, at least I got my cruise today. Now maybe I'll get terminated on the brauni instead. There's another meet tomorrow, and I just "can't wait" to get another 12.4.
Out of 30.
Joshua came over today, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I told my mom to tell him I was indisposed. No wonder I don't have any friends. I'm an anti social.
Shane was trying to make me do layout fulls today, telling me over and over again to set before I twisted. Alright, that's it. Run away, run away. Yeah. Too bad I can't even layout.
People at gym keep asking me if I'm depressed. Maybe it's the eyeliner and the black leos. Maybe it's the way I sit there and think. Even when I'm perfectly happy then ask. it's getting annoying.
This isn't coming out right.
I had another one of those dreams. I hate those dreams. I wake up and it feels like it's really happened, only it hasn't, and I don't know what to believe.
This really isn't coming out right. I should stop before I break something.