Because Bunny is curious as to where exactly I get the goods to fill my iPod with, I share with you links. Mind you, most of the stuff in my iPod are indie stuff that hardly grow on me, but that's just speaking for the minority of what's in my lovely black 30 gigs of love.
I guess I'm floating is one of my favorites because the blogger recently celebrated his birthday with a plethora of music that played the airwaves of youth (he is still young--younger than 22 year old Rod I presume) ranging from tunes from Raffi (Apples and Bananas) all the way to grunge ear candy like Nirvana and the spectacular Stone Temple Pilots.
goodweatherforairstrikes had a controversial hiatus not too long ago because of link problems with ezarchive and a sharing of Thom York. Whatev. He loves indie stuff (like most music bloggers out there), and apparently, he is one of the first mp3 blogs that got be into my downloading non-life. He does make brillian, brilliant mixtapes.
I am fuel you are friends belongs to one hip girl. She showcased a lot of Bob Dylan songs about a week ago and shares world music on random Mondays. Or Wednesdays.
You Ain't No Picasso was an edgy blog I found over at blogexplosion. After being lost in my BE bookmarks, I found him again, and found the experience lovely. Awesome reviews.
My Old Kentucky Home is often the most generous of the lot, and showcases new artists, as well as quirky ones. I believe he has new artists uploaded over there.
Okay. So that's not it yet. There's a lot more, and I just have to get to my one computer to get them all. Oh, and a lot of podcasts pa. XD ( rawks!)