Ditching something for something else that makes more sense

Aug 09, 2006 09:57

Accenture called me yesterday in the middle of reading Shooting War (more reaction on that later later), and I was asked if was interested. While I of course want to earn more money, I said that I am interested, but can only be employed in about 2 months. I even said 3, but that was my lazy ass talking.

So I was set up for a preemployment exam scheduled for today. 4 pm. I carried on in this brief telephone conversation stuttering, for some bizarre reason. Like all of a sudden God froze my mouth. Or tongue.

Then I decide later at night to clean my pillows. Replace the covers and sew them even, with a clean back sticth. I planned to go on an all-nighter and clean my entire room, but the internet was beckoning me.

And I see my buddy Mikki come online. He asks me a favor, which is to make him a 5 sentence write up about him for his Alladin show next month. Then with a jolt of joltingness, he goes on font 20, bold, and tells me that there are auditions for Sound of Music.

So yeah. Go me.

I hear Auddie Gemora is the Captain.

Shet. Crush. Ever.

work, life, fate, geekness, friends

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