Short Update

Jul 01, 2007 13:36

1. A Nobel Peace Prize Nominee has been sleeping in my bed for the past three days (Maria Elena Cruz Varela).

2. Remember Sarah, the evil stage manager from Les Mis? She's my fellow teacher for three weeks at Hoboken Children's Theater. !!!!



Maria Elena Cruz Varela is a prize-winning poet who in 1991 organized a human rights organization called Alternative Criteria. She then wrote and distributed a manifesto for this group. Following this act of dissent, she was assaulted in her Havana apartment by a government-sponsored vigilante group. After being dragged by her hair down several flights of stairs, Ms. Cruz Varela was taken outside of her apartment building and again beaten in front of a cheering mob, which included a group of schoolchildren trucked in for the occasion. She was then forced to eat papers containing her writings before being arrested, imprisoned and tortured. Maria Elena Cruz Varela was named a Prisoner of Conscience by Amnesty International.

The Act of Dissent:

"Because I am a rational being, conscious of my individuality and prudent of mind, I absolutely refuse, with the only weapon at my disposal (the only weapon that interests me and that I consider effectual: The Word), to participate in what I consider to be "a closed system of impossibilities," a system that recognizes submission to a crude ideology, in which antagonism has the upper hand and is the only alternative. The noun dead is used far more frequently than its antonym life; the same holds true for war and peace, hate and love...Like the responsibility one has when printing books that are evaluated and read by others, I feel responsible for the role I am willing to assume at this historical moment. My point of view is No I do not agree. Experimenting with the lives of people must be stopped. This is my manifesto."
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