if you get me that $1000 nikon, i'd let you call me your bitch

Sep 04, 2003 16:08

so my birthday is on september 14th, and missmal suggested i make a wishlist on amazon.com, which was a brilliant idea. anyway, i sent it to all the immediate blood relatives who tend to get me undesirable gifts [my brother is twenty-seven and buys me cat calendars from wal-mart like a jackass - i love him, but he totally doesn't try], but i know at least a couple of you asked me about this before. i'm not really trying to sucker people into getting me things [i am completely & utterly content with letters, pictures, nice emails, and mixes =)] but if the need arises and you do not fit into the category of impoverished college student or starving artist, i would really like that patent azalea belt. i'd repay you, of course, in a combination of the following: artistic letters, photographs, mix tapes, poetry, items of sentimental value, and sexual favors.

if you loved me, you would buy me things.

if that doesn't work, go here and search for it [ambulance_x@yahoo.com].

ahem. now that that's taken care of.

i feel so much better! today was my first day off pain meds, and my head feels a lot clearer. my body doesn't seem to hate me so much and i've stopped throwing up. i stuck around for seventh hour and went to make more prints in the studio. i didn't know matt was a t.a. for klein that period, so he & whitney came in the darkroom with me and talked. matt's a good guy; i remember when we had sociology together and he thought i was too cool to talk to him. he used to make fun of my chucks, and one time i said hi to him and he ignored me. i am going to have him do my senior portraits for me. we made fun of klein and talked about fllozies, and then i acted like said floozy by completely dicking away all my time and finishing one terrible print. oh well - the assignment is due tomorrow and i need to do a write-up. fuck.

i guess tomorrow i'm going to the game with blaire [and possibly kate]? we are going to take pictures for the newspaper. i'm kind of excited; i have an inherent dislike for jocks [as any isolated high school misanthropist would] but the only time i ever saw a football game was during my freshman year [or possibly in eight grade - don't recall] with noel & whitney & cory. actually, now that i think about it, that was freshman year because that was when cory was going to take me to homecoming and he tried to kiss me on the bleachers, yadda yadda yadda. irrelevant.

i'm so glad today is thursday, because thursdays are so safe and beautiful. mhm.

i wonder where all my friends went?
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