this one's longer than yours. :)

May 11, 2006 23:35

wow, i've been gone forever, i know. :) anyhow, i'm back. i missed the comfort of my room (well actually, my mom's room. don't ask, i love her room more than i do mine cause it's way more organized and cozy, plus her tv's more amazing). i ended up working for registration, it's so much cooler than being assistant project manager cause you just sit the whole day in front of this computer where you punch in names and numbers(oh yea) of all the people who visit the event. asst. proj manager walks around like the whole time and is basically as the name states
assistant to the proj. manager so whoevers in charge will be bossing the assistant around and i am soo not up for that.

the event was organized by Microsoft & it was called "Software Innovations 2006", supposedly the first of its kind held here in the PI. it was a lot of fun if you disregard the fact that we were told we'd be working 8-5 when they actually wanted us to be there by 6:30 in the morning and would let us out at 6:00. 12 hours! that's friggin illegal. :) but i loved it. there weren't a lot of hot guys though so blah. i think there were only two who made the cut for me and they registered last day of the event and at the last minute too. oh yea, first day of the event this guy, Stanley Tan, who apparently was one of the pioneers of MICROSOFT PHILS. (aka: big shot) walked up to my table and asked me to print out an id for him (part of our job). he showed me his i.d. but the program we were using would require him to enter a job title and his company too so i asked what his designation was and he had like a bitch fit right then and there. he was like: "what do you need that for? i just want an id, you dont need to register me in our database! that's our database, just print out an id for me blahblahblah" and duh? it was like my first day at the job and we were given instructions, plus there was only on program and it's not like i knew how i could print out an id without his info. stupid! the guy in charge of all of us at reg probly saw that i was just about to lose it ( i have zero tolerance for assholes) so he took over and i was so pissed i kept muttering things and rolling my eyes and the asshole (after sir Jeff did some explaining) got his id and muttered a thank you without even looking back. anyways, i swore to myself i would kill him the next time i see him..or something like that. so third day of the event he was there again cause he was one of the speakers ( did i mention he's really young? i think he's like 23 or something) and as we were packing up cause the day was through, one of the Microsoft JRs(or MICROSOFT FREAKS as i called them. they were in charge of giving people tours around the exhibit) walked up to the registration and asked to print out joke ids for them to keep. after printing out like 4 lame-ass joke ids (e.g. John Ramos- professional procrastinator or John Ramos- Double and Available "caue i'm not single..i'm double" oh, haha! funny.) he out of nowhere goes: "oh and i'd like to apologize for the way my boss acted last monday" and i was shocked cause this guy wasn't there. no one but me, STANLEY, sir jeff and the other reg people saw the incident so my sister concluded he must've sent the kid to apologize for him (well the kid was lke 18 or something so he's not really a kid i guess). i gave him this curious face "your boss? last monday?..hmm..." i pretended to wonder what he was talking about even though i so knew and he stood straight and did his best impression of Mr. Stanley Tan aka asshole. i wanted to laugh so hard, he knew the exact words! how amazing is that. he also added that his boss was just raelly that way and i snapped back: "oh you're talking about Stanley Tan. well then why are you still working for him?" he looked hesitant to answer so i just told him i was kidding. so he went back to their exhibit and like less than a minute after that he came back this time with the asshole himself trailing after him with this humble nice smile on his face (and it looked sincere too). it was just so weird he was all smiling at me and acting like he was this really nice guy and that he didn't throw a major bitch fit about a teeny thing. i was amused though that he actually apologized, though indirectly. ah, whatever. so now i have cash and my sister told me she might need me for another event on the 25th, golf tournament thingy. as usual, i'm excited. ♥

my sisters and i bought my mom a new cordless phone cause our old one's useless and she was the most affected one so we decided to buy it for mother's day. she's coming home from hawaii tomorrow. and i also told my older sister about the fan fiction thingy and she said she's read it before. she said she's read another article by the same guy but the setting was not in a bus, it was at the laundromat and it had something about her panties falling off. gross. we laughed so hard and she gave this disgusted look when i asked if she knew the guy. she was like: "he's such a weirdo.". she's leaving for Australia tomorrow for an internship, she'll be back end of May. sucky, i shall try to convince my mom to go and visit her cause i know she's gonna be soo lonely. well that's about it. i kow this entry's like reading one of the Harry Potter books but i've been deprived of my journal for 4 days so i got overwhelmed. LOL♥
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