this random life

May 29, 2007 00:58

so most of today was spent watching flavor of love.. wtf is wrong with girls to act like that on tv.. seriously that new york bitch.. omg i never wanted to slap a hoe so bad in my life.. hahha

speaking of life.. its good...

walmart is fun.. especially when HE's working... hehe

we've been hanging out.. a few nights after work.. i dunno tho.. i think im getting too over analytical and worrying over stupid shit.. i always get worked up over dumb things but ok so sat. at work he invited me and stephen over today to go swimming with him and his kid.. i was invited to a few bbqs and turned them down.. and i got no call from him and when i called him he didnt answer or it went right to vm. yea something could have came up.. but i really hate it when plans are made and then not followed through.. like i get the whole kid thing.. duh i have my own kid i know.. trust me hahha but when the plans involve the kids.. i mean.. i dunno... ugh i think too much

we have almost the same tattoo on our backs... well it is the same just drawn a bit different... we've been through alot of the same shit.. he has this well.. i dont really know how to describe it but when hes around.. i feel whole.. and its weird as fuck i mean we havent even kissed yet we are just getting to know each other but im telling you.. me thinking into shit too much has me seeing us together in the future now if im right or wrong i dont know... he makes me smile not smirk as im told i always do.. i know im actually smiling..i can feel it.. do you know how long its been since ive really smiled because of a guy... i mean seriously.. its been a long fucking time.. too long for some one as nice as i am.. im far from fucking perfect but im a damn good person too good of a person and well..

i deserve this. i know i do. he wants to know what makes me happy.. and wants me to know what makes him happy... his back was hurting from work sat. when i took him home and hung out.. i wanted to offer to rub it.. ooh i did... but i dont know why i didnt.. damnit i should have hhaa hes told me things about his past that i know he hasnt told alot of people.. and just as i have told him things of mine that im not proud of.. but the past is the past and without it we wouldnt be who we are today..


its 113am. i cant sleep and i have dishes to do.. i dont want to do them.. but i have to before i go to bed where oh where is the dish fairy when i need her

i miss kimmy.. i miss my best friend.. i miss our hangouts.. all nighters man...

im downloading a bunch of music for my ipod... gimme some bands you guys like.. i will add them to my collection and give them a listen ive been venturing off into different music then what i normally listen to so list away ladies.. and guys (the few i have on my fl)

man. he better call me tomorrow.... im not sure what i will be thinking if he doesnt..
great.. here i go analyzing shit again.. why the fuck do i do that

oh and stephen... ooh mr stephen. that boy is testing me man.. i tell him not to do something and that little shit will look right at me right into my eyes and fucking do it. he is going to jacobs this weekend.. i have to work and my mom and stepdad are going out of town and gramma is in atl so i have no sitter.. this will be the first time they are alone together. it will be great for them to bond... it will also be great because this momma needs a break.. i dont even think i can sleep in anymore.. he rises with the sun and i soon follow haha

ok this was random... but i felt like an update was due...

love you ladies...

this random life

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