Oct 31, 2004 14:02

Mom: Being gay is wrong and if you were ever gay I'd choke you.
Me: OK mom, that's just like someone saying "hi you can't like men because it's "wrong" "
Mom: But liking men is right!
Josh: Not for me!
Mom: It's wrong in God's eye.
Me: If God thought being gay was wrong then why the fuck do we have gay people? They did a study and said 75% of people who are gay were sexually abused when they were little. If God didnt want gay people why would he make people do such things to young children who have no control?
Mom: YOU DONT KNOW THE BIBLE! ::goes on for about five minutes about how some city got blown up because it was full of gay people::
Me: Who's to say that it acutally exsists? God must not love everyone if he made gay people. I wish that when I get older I become the biggest dyke in the world.
Mom: I'll fucking kick your cunt in. Being gay is just wrong.
Me: Mom, dont worry I'm not gay... I'm bisexual.

hahahhaa. best conversation ever with my mom. i really hope this didnt offend anyone, i honestly didnt mean it to but my mom's religious and ignorant.
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