Apr 19, 2011 15:33
Just read my previous post.
Here's how everything went : I quit the mascot guide job & started working as a waitress instead.
Still enjoying it after 4 weekends :)
I'm ashamed to say I lost the $150 splurge deal.
Made another bet & he won that one.
We met up. I was nervous so I wouldnt shut up.
I had a pretty good time though I doubt he did.
I've been feeling some emotions that I can't get rid off.
Mainly confused & upset but I can't find the root cause of it.
Maybe the issue with the association have got a greater impact on me than I let on.
W/e. I honestly don't plan to care anymore. I'm sick & tired of putting up with everything.
Going back to fencing this week since some very unreasonable person called me uncommitted.
So many things I wish I could shout, so many things I have to say but I've got to keep it all in.
That's probably the reason why I feel so messed up inside.
I honestly enjoy being a happy teen with my friends but when I'm alone...
W/e it is, I know I'll be alright.