I think, for the short time I was present, I should join these weekly chats more often.
Especially since you learn so much about your classmates. Given, I knew this was a very special school to begin with, but they are all so open with each other in ways that defies logic. Ah, well. The better to start infiltrating by playing the clueless weirdo.
Also. MDEA. Interesting. Interesting and more so. I wonder if they've been notified I'm here. Hopefully not. They tend to be such a pain when I'm working. After all I had to go through to even attend school here, it's a wonder others with shabbier stories managed. Which, of course, makes me wonder who's pulling the strings where.
President La Spada, I am on to you, as well.
Kira, where have you gone? Or should I be asking...Yagami Light, where are you? I haven't been keeping up as I should. That has to change.
I'm hungry. Where's a good place to eat this late at night?