Dec 29, 2004 13:29
well its been awhile since i updated so yea.. well x-mas was alrigh i got some stuff i wantd.. then sunday i just sat around and didnt do anything the monday i went over danis and at like 9 we went over matts but then we had to leave at 10 cause matt was jumping around and randy kicked him in the back of the knee and it popped matts knee outta place so they went to the hospital and me and dani went back to her house and messed around and didnt go to sleep again til like 3:30 then we got up at like 10-11 and got ready and then went to the mall and dani bought a bunch of stuff and i bought new gauges tehe 4's and then i went with dani to get shots at like 4 and then we went to kroger with her mom and then went back to her house and chilled there for awhile and then my mom came and picked us up then we sat here and talked and shit til like 2 er something then went to bed then woke up at like almost 1 and ate mac-n-cheese and now were just sitting around then idk what im doin the rest of today..