That's what it looks like outside my door. We got 15 inches of snow over the weekend and I've been pretty much hibernating and making tons of soups and gumbo since lol. Luckily the temperature isn't cold, there's just a ton of snow everywhere. The snow has been so high that I haven't been able to take Charlie outside for his walks which I know he misses but he's pee pad trained and still gets plenty of exercise rough housing with Murray all day. Murray on the other hand is back for another week with me and on the night of the snow storm we couldn't get more than two steps out the door so he had to pee on the wall inches away from the door. Even with people shoveling and salting the sidewalks and plowing the roads the snow is still pretty high so whenever I walk Murray we have to find a low patch of snow for him to do his business on and in the process I've lost his booties and had to go looking for them which isn't fun. Well at least Murray is great at holding it in and does his business right away when I take him outside because I would hate to be walking around in all this snow for more than 10 minutes! And luckily Wrigley, a Boston terrier that I boarded a few days ago left before the snow storm hit. He's smaller than Murray and has thin fur so he would have hated going outside lol. Yep, things can be rough at Pawsitive Petcare when there's this much snow outside. I'm also waiting on some mail and I guess these conditions have delayed deliveries, eeeps.
Not much else has been going on lately. I've been applying for jobs and have an interview lined up for Thursday. Lawrence's birthday is this Sunday and I'm getting him an icecream cheese cake, his two favorite desserts into one which was kind of hard to find but I managed to find one! Then I'm taking him out to dinner with our friends Ken and Vanessa. After that we're going to meet up with his other friends at a jazz bar to listen to some live music and have drinks. It should be fun and the weather is suppose to warm up this weekend.