Mar 21, 2006 00:51
Okay so the last time I wrote in here I was all pissed off and cranky about lots of stuff. Today, not so much. I took some time to catch up on sleep and to re-evaluate some things and here's what I've come up with. First of all, I've lost 10-12 lbs since December and I'm really proud of that. I started off with a goal of reaching 135 so that my body mass index would read healthy. Now, I've kind of looked at the changes in my body and in my energy levels and I think I would like to actually reach between 125-130 lbs. I would still be healthy, but I would continue to get rid of the fat around my hips and butt. I was watching the tryouts for the Dallas Cheerleaders, and as stupid as it sounds, I think it would be a great experience if I made it onto the Denver Bronco Cheerleaders. That being said, I could do everything those girls were doing on tv and in all honesty, the only thing that would ever hold me back would be my weight. So, I'm still on the weight watchers thing and that seems to be working. Its helping me control cravings and to think about what I'm putting in my body. Exercise is also in there although I'm going to try to step that up a little. Beyond that, I realized that I should let go of a lot of anger that I hold around with me all the time. So I'll try to let things stay in the past more. Um, what else... oh, that I should try to make more time to actually live my life and have some fun because I am the biggest book nerd in every sense of the word. Haha, well I think thats it. I will talk to you guys later, or if you like, see you on the flip side(anyone having pepsi commercial flashbacks?)