(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 21:55

I'm liking this whole half public journal thing.

So I had my Cantante concert tonight and my solo actually went pretty well. Though, it was most definatley better the first time I sang it. Oh well. But a most hilarious thing happend that most definatley made my night ^_^

::Walks over to food table, Vinnie walks up to me eating a small heart shaped jellowey pastryish desert::

Vinnie: I'm eating this because some lady told me to and she said it was "delicious"...but its really gross!

::Laughs and examines the cookie as girl runs up to vinnie::

Girl: Oh! My grandma made those!

Vinnie: They're delicious!!!

::Grandma runs up to Vinnie::

Grandma: ::laughs:: Yes, I made those but I bought these. (points to cup cakes) Ahahah..

Vinnie: Oh they're so good, how did you make them?

::Blah blah blahing ensues as i try to hold in my laughter, eventually they walk away and me and vinnie crack up histarically::

That kind of thing only happens in movies DUDE. It was great.

I feel so bad about all this drama going on with everyone. I'm trying to talk to people and help people without getting in the middle of it, and its working pretty well. It's just so upsetting that so many friendships are failing all because of one party.
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