Nov 23, 2004 21:17
last weekend when christopher came over he let me do his nails and make up, and then i took pictures. i can't wait to see them!! he taught me how to dance, sort of, and then we just layed around and listened to music and stuff.
angelita came over sunday and made us dinner, like real mexican food. it was surprisingly good. taco bell's food is so different, but both are bueno. i learned how to make refried beans, which is what i made tonight for culture day tomorrow.
last night i got in the christmas spirit after watching oprah. it was the show when she gives away all that awesome stuff to her audience. i would kill to be on that show, oprah saved my life. i got out all my christmas tapes/decorations and put my mini-tree up in my room. it's so dear!
today these two girls got in this huge huge huge fight. it was insane. the one girl's face was toreeee upppp afterwards. i hope nobody ever wants to fight me...i'll die.
evan was really sad today because him and jill broke up. i felt really bad for him. later in flex carly and i were discussing her men issues. "if you ever need carly, just give her a whistle." "you could def. do better". don't worry carly, you'll find someone soon. <3.
chris paid for him and i to watch the movie tomorrow, so i get to miss class, which is pretty sweet.
jana and i ran around the hallway today while we were supposed to be in english class, and we taught ourselves how to read braile or whatever by the signs outside the doors. she almost made me choke on my water and die, but it's okay. we discussed how much of a stoner mr. meyers is and picked out what we want for christmas.
i basically ruined my christmas present surprise when i said something to chris about telling dad which ring i want. i'm sorry baby!
gym was pretty fun today(not). we had to run this stupid turkey trot thing. jessi and i ran it together and got our bonus points. it was like a mile and a half, then we biked three miles, and i did ab work outs.
i had a doctor's appointment and it was so gross...all the people in the waiting room were smelly and stuff, and then the doctor was coughing all over my perscription paper thing. sick. i finally ate at the new subway in wal-mart. vanessa works there, so i got to see her.
CHRIS FINALLY GOT A CARRRRRRRRRR :D. i'm so happy. it's an '89 honda and it's a stick shift, so he can teach me how to drive with it.
sar and i planned to go christmas shopping together for our boys since we're clueless.
tomorrow = culture day = eating all day = my favorite.
after school sar, adriel, chris, and i are doing something, then i leave for mom's until saturday :(
saturday afternoon is emily's babyshower, then the rest of my vacation is dedicated to my Romeo & Juliet project. i can hardly wait.