wow... it's been two years?

Apr 05, 2015 21:51

(blows dust off the table)
Crazy how time flies!!

It has definitely been a while since I've posted. Not due to neglect, but mostly due to changes in lifestyle and social media preferences.

Nowadays, I find it easier/quicker to post via Facebook. Especially since it's easier to manage the potential audience each post is intended for.

Then of course, there are changes in priorities. I'm barely keeping my head above water as I put in crazy hours for work on top of taking care of a household and a 2 year old toddler. Not complaining!! it has been crazy, but satisfying. strangely so.

If you had asked me two years ago how I would feel about completely giving up my personal life/social life for a Saturday stuck with a toddler who's going through crazy tantrums and have tendencies to throw his bowl of mac and cheese into my hair, I'll probably say that's crazy, and no thankyou.

But here I am. Next to zero personal life. Snatches of socializing can only be had at playdates. Conversations are often interrupted due to toddler tantrums or cries. Crazy exhausted because I rush home after work to tend to toddler, then jump back online to work until at least midnight, only to start the day over again at 6am.... getting the toddler ready for school, drop him off school and getting my ass into work in time.

So why do I do it? because there are precious moments of joy. Lots of it.

Like when the lil one comes up to me and throws his arms around my neck, kisses me, then while looking into my eyes, he says "I wuv you mommie!!" Like when I hear his tinkerbell-like laughter when he's happy/excited. Like when I see him accomplishing new milestones and he'll look at me with this amazed/happy look on his face, and I'm just so darn proud of him, my heart is about to burst!! Like when I see glimpse of the potential man he'll grow up to be in the little things he do: "Be careful G'ma!!" he shouts back to his grandma as he's walking up a tricky trail.......

There's just SO MANY precious moments!!!

Anyways, that's my update for now. Maybe I'll be back again two years from now and we'll see if I'm still so darn in love with my lil boy. ;)
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