(no subject)

May 14, 2006 00:40

So I haven't updated in....quite a while.

Nothing major has happened. I registered for two classes this summer. Woo.. I'm on my way to a teaching career. I signed up for writing in the hummanities and principles of Biology. Yippee.

I got approved for a new shift at work, I will now be working four ten hour days with wedsenday, thursday, and friday off. Good. I think I will like it. Plus I get three 15 minute breaks and two half hour lunches. Neato folks. Oh and I will be out at 8:15 which is a lot early than I have been getting out.

Shaun and I have been talking about marriage. dun dun dun. (wedding gingle if you didn't get it). But it seems family is always getting in the way so who knows what will happen or at least when it will happen. Someday when I learn to stand up for myself perhaps.

See I have this problem where for some reason I need my moms approval for the things I do, instead of just doing what I want to do. And because of this, need for approval, I end up getting hurt. Plus, I'm afraid that if I hurt my family members feelings they will never talk to me again. So instead, I let them walk all over me and hurt me over and over again. Shaun said something this afternoon that just struck sense, he said: "when someone stabs a knife in your back, you don't just take the knife out and give it back." I realize thats my problem, I have been handing the knife back everytime, forgiving them everytime, protending like nothing happened. Something has got to change, I have to change, I need to start speaking up for goodness sakes. And stop letting them hurt me time and time again.

Okay enough with the serious talk, I need to do something fun and soon. Anyone have any ideas? Let me know, KK?
Alisha (of course)
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