Friday the thirteenth

May 13, 2005 12:51

It's funny that you really don’t know what you have until you almost lose it or in my case almost losing a person whom I really care about.

School is almost done now. I graduate in a week.

I think I will not miss one bit of it. Is that sad? I think it is because the only reason why I will not miss it is because I never had a reason to miss it. I did not have any friends. I did not participate in sports or other school activities. I never went to a dance. Was I a misfit? I really don’t know. Maybe I just never gave high school a chance. But if I did fit in with the “in” crowd I may not be the person I am today. But I dunno.

I’m not like most people
I don’t follow a trend
Or style
I’m neither here
Nor there
I’m not where the crowd is
Nor where the crowd is not
I’m not saying I wasted my time in High School
I’m just saying that I’m not like most people
And am grateful
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