when I want ...
..hardcore I go to
sideshow_emma coz Emma rocks
..to see thongs I go to
aoi_sama X'D
..receive pink bubbles I wait for
rawkstarr23 telling stories 'bout Aiden ^^
..spam I just spam with
kaede_hikari, maybe the only person who understands me so much.
..trap in mamma hugs I'm looking for
blitzx17. I hate myself for not visiting her lj lately.. booh on me.
..remember that I have lj wife I see
foughtnwon_one posting her new fic. Go Lis!
..talking I grab
lost_in_my_sol ..purring I find
sugi_lucifer ..it's not much of you, but still.. I care.. maybe sounds stupid, but I care about you. SO, be happy more often.