The only thing I had today was my hip-hop final, so I slept till 2...the final only took about an hour and then I was completely done. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself, 'cause I'm usually so busy and had absolutly NOTHING that needed to be done.
My dear friend Dorothy
is on a plane to China as we speak...*sigh*.
So I decided to go for a hike in the rain. Driving up to the mountain was madness...there were at LEAST 3 inches of water stacked up on the roads and none of the lines were visible. Everyone was swerving everywhere with windshield wipers on full-speed. I made it safely to the mountain, where it had not yet begun to rain. So I picked a spot I wanted to get to, and I climbed it.
I got to where I wanted to go, and on the way I saw a hummingbird, two lizards,
a bunny, and some weird red beatle that was too fast for me to take a picture of. When I got to the top
it began to sprinkle while the sun was shining and it was absolutely lovely.
Tomorrow...I wake up at the butt crack of dawn to donate plasma.