In my search for a distraction, I decided to do some research on what this "fandom" commotion is all about (so I could perhaps meet my deadline--I am not used to deadlines). is very interesting. I did not realize I had fans. Nor had I ever imagined that my fans seem to think I like to copulate with every other member of the "fandom." The internet is an intriguing place indeed.
Might I point out that, though Light-kun and I were chained to one another for some span of time, we neither showered together nor showered each other. Thank you. ...we didn't share a bed either. I don't like beds and I don't sleep much. (The chain was long enough to allow for some privacy, naturally.)
Many people also seem to enjoy drawing pictures of members of the "fandom." I have decided to take the clean pictures and use them for the purpose of making icons. Bear in mind, my skills with Adobe Photoshop leave much to be I will compensate with a running commentary.
This one is rather simple, though it took me quite some time. I believe this was right after Light-kun attacked me...for being pessimistic, was it?
Take no offense to this, Light-kun. I'm not even certain if "pedobait" truly refers to...well, baiting pedophiles. They seem to enjoy calling you this on the internet...:/
Ah. Untroubled sleep. I don't have much of that. ...I rather like this picture of me, though I didn't produce it. Here's to wishful thinking.
Mr. Shakespeare's words are true. What with all the Shinigami running about...and I'm not quite alive, either. This picture was taken from a "doujinshi" called "Monopolistic Desire." ...I have since vowed never to touch doujinshi ever again.
...once again, Light-kun, my apologies. But there are far more pictures of you than of me, so I'm afraid this is unavoidable. Besides, the pink apron fits you quite nicely. (And I figured out how to use borders for this one. I deem it an accomplishment.)
My, this makes it seem as though I actually have time on my hands.