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baldowl . Ten random factoids.
1. I often wish I had become a veterinarian.
2. If I had one thing to do over again, I wouldn't have given in to my Mother's guilt trip and I would have continued to live with my dad after third grade. I don't know where that would put me now, but after having endured so much of my mother's craziness, I think I would have been saved a lot of grief.
3. I'm very fond of my boobs.
4. I procrastinate way too much.
5. I was a contestant in the Miss Dodge City pageant in 1986 and 1987. I won Miss Congeniality the first year, but didn't place either year.
6. I love red meat, but often wish I were a vegetarian.
7. I've never been stung by a bee or wasp.
8. I was bit, by what all believed to be, a spider, probably a brown recluse when I was 12. I later found out that the doctors told my mother I had a 50/50 chance of surviving it.
9. My first kiss was at 12 years old by Brett Oakleaf. It was picture day so, i have a picture of myself on the day that I got my first kiss. I was wearing a camel colored velveteen pants/vest suit. It was, after all, the 70s.
10. I have been in four tv commercials in my life, all local. Hardee's in Wichita, KS, a hot tub commercial in Dodge City, KS, a clothing store commercial in Dodge City, KS and a Wal-Mart commercial in Conway, AR.
I tag everyone of my friends.