(no subject)

Aug 27, 2007 07:57

My new shed is finally up! it looks really good and all the cages fit into it nicely. My Dad has also built a big shelf towards the back to that the back 2 cages can be lifted up - thus giving lots of storage space too underneath hehe.

I am also off to buy 6 more rabbits today too! I have a big shortage of lionheads at the moment and have been looking for a female to breed from for a while. I have a big waiting list of people waiting for lionheads. Then I found this advert on the internet about a lady whose 2 lionheads have bred and had 6 babies and she is really really struggling to get rid of them. I gave her a ring and she is ony selling them for £10 so I'm off to have a look at them today and if they are ok I am going to buy all 6, keep one female and then sell them on to the people on my waiting list. This way I almost triple my money, I get a free rabbit for myself and I get rid of some of the people on the list. Plus I feel like I am doing this woman a favour too as she is desparate to get rid of them (they are already 12 weeks old now and a bit of a handful lol), and she just wants enough money to get her male neutered.

I hope they are all nice bunnies. They sound lovely as they are all either black and white or grey and white. I have wanted a black and white female for ages so i am hoping she looks pretty when I go and see them today. I have been told that the two black and whites are definitely females, but the other 4 she isnt sure about.

Other than that not much else has happened. I watched X-men III the other night on Sky Movies. I didnt think i would find it that good because I've not seen the other 2 for ages and had forgotten what even happened in them. It was very good though and even had me crying in a few places. I usualy hate any kind of movies that are fantasy/ski fi type things, but every now and again oen slips through that i actually enjoy lol.

I cant believe Im up so early. My aunty and uncle came around last night for a mini BBQ and we didnt get to bed until really really late but for some reason I was awake at 7.30am this morning and couldnt get back to sleep. Oh well, I must just be very excited about my new bunnies lol.
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