Jul 31, 2007 15:59
Was told I had to go into Jury service today which I wasnt very happy about. I turned up though, stayed until 1 and then we were all told we could go home. I dont know if I was pissed off that we were dragged there and then had nothing to do, or whether I was just releived we got an early finish.
Havent' spent my afternoon doing anything productive really, but its nice to chill in the sun - I'm not moaning about there being no rain anymore.
All my little bunnies are doing well at the moment. They are all at a really cute age at the moment, its now that they start getting bigger and they become a bit of a handful hehe.
Hmm, thought I actually had things to write about but turns out I dont.....
Hope I'm not in jury service again tomorrow. Only 2 hours until I find out!