Another long one sorry...

May 25, 2007 09:06

Oops, didn't realise it had been so long since I updated - well, not that long but longer than normal. Here's a quick (or maybe not so quick) update of whats been happenin':

Finally had my last exam yesterday. It was very crappy and I probably failed and will have to resit but I don't care because it is the hardest one out of the lot and practically everyone got up and left after an hour and didn't stay for the full 2 hours because nobody could answer the questions. I'm so releaved all the exams are over with now. I feel so drained lol. If I'd have had to revise one more thing I think my head would have exploded. Oh well, just reading for my dissertation to do by monday now.

I applied for a job at uni last week which involved going around all the campus accomodation and inputting into a hand held computer all the damage and repairs that needed sorting out. They only wanted people for the first 2 weeks in July and the last 2 weeks in September, plus a couple of additional weekends, so I thought it would be great. I hate working, as you can probably tell, but really need the money so only 4 weeks work for nearly £1000 I thought was good. I haven't heard anything back from them yet though so who knows. Ric applied too so if we both get it thats nearly £2000 which I don't think is bad considering we still get the rest of the summer off.

Rabbits (Yes you knew it was coming - and its probably going to be a long one)
I have been looking forward to all the rabbits giving birth for a while now and it all seemed to be going so well as they had all built lovely big nests. Toffee gave birth on Tuesday and built a lovely nest with a little hole inside for the them to lie in. She had 5 tiny little babies and she seemed to be looking after them well - I even got up and 4 am to check they were all ok. But when i got up the next morning she had destroyed her nest and scattered her babies. I thought they would all be dead but suprisingly they were all ok - apart from one that had a little scratch. I rebuilt her nest and tried again but she just kept scattering them. I don't know what went on as she had been a good mum before, but we had to take her babies away. Thus we are back to handrearing 5 very very tiny babies rabbits every 4 hours.

Then, to top things off, Bella gave birth yesterday morning. I was actually sat in the room feeding Toffee's babies when I saw her. She was washing them and covering them up and everything but then I noticed that one really big one was dead, probably still born. I sat watching her for a bit but then when I went to count how many babies she'd had I noticed that she had killed one (i.e. she had eaten its head eww). I took the dead ones out and left her with the others but then she started to attack them too so I obviously had to take them away. Now we have 8 babies to hand rear (5 off Toffee and 3 off Bella).

I don't know what has gone on with either rabbit but it is all a bit strange. The mini lops (bella's babies) were really really wrinkly and didn't look too good yesterday morning but we have been feeding them lots and they look really well today. Toffee's babies are doing well too. Hand rearing has such a low success rate but suprisingly all 8 are looking good and we have at least got Toffee's through the first 48 hours and Bella's through the first 24 which is the hardest part. The only thing now is that I get no sleep - just when I thought I was able to relax after my exams. I have to feed them every 4 hours and it takes about 2 hours when you do it on your own to get through them all. I have been doing all the night and early morning feeds myself because Ric still has exams yet. I only got 4 hours sleep in total last night and I'm absolutely knackered. I think I might go back to bed after the 10 o'clock feed.

I can't believe we're back to hand rearing and I don't understand what went wrong. Milly is due to have her litter at some point over the weekend, and I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that she looks after hers because I cant cope with any more. She was such a good Mum last time though that I hold high hopes.

On a positive rabbit note, I have managed to find another blue eyed white mini lop and a sooty fawn mini lop which are 2 colours I have been looking for for ages. Both are girls and are at breeding age. Ric's mum is going to drive us to Wales to pick them up, because thats where they live at the moment, but they aren't ready until the end of June because they both have litters at the moment. I cant wait to breed the BEW with our BEW male which my cousin is currently looking after. BEW's are really hard to find and the babies sell for more than normal colours and go like mad, they will also be absolutely stunning. I can't wait, and the sooty fawn should be lovely too.

Sorry for boring you with more rabbit news, heck nobody probably even reads this anymore anyway, but thats probably all I'll have tot lak about the for next 2 weeks as all I'll be doing is feeding the babies and sleeping. Actually, I'm looking forward to going home on 2nd June for half a week as I'll get a break hehe, but poor Ric. I hope he can cope doing it buy himself. He's very good at coping with little sleep but gets very grumpy the day after hehe. He'll more than likely be here on his own though so I suppose he can only shout at himself.

Oh and Big Brother starts on Wednesday.....hehe I'm sad I know but summer revolves around it.
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