Mar 30, 2007 10:19
For some strange reason, today I decided to have a look online at some info about the new Harry Potter book. I can't wait to read it and see what happens but according to some sites:
a) Some secret blood relative of Harry's is going to come back and save him in his final battle with Voldemort. Apparently, in the Philosopher's stone Dumbledore told Aunt Petunia that the love of a blood relative will keep Harry safe...interesting lol. I think we all thought that Petunia was the only blood relative that Harry has left, but maybe not. Or maybe it is Petunia that has a sudden change or heart and saves Harry in some weird way..who knows.
b) That Ron and Hermione are going to get engaged! Hmm, I think this could happens because the two have become closer and closer in every book since it started, so maybe by the end they could get engaged...but they're also still kinda young and I don't know if Rowling would do that.
c) That 2 major characters are going to die. I had heard that one would but I didn't know 2. If it is 2 I think it would be Harry and Maybe either Hermione or Roy just to add to the drama if they do get engaged. But then again i dont know if Rowling is that cruel cos it is a kids book after all lol. Maybe Voldemort is classed as a main character - he kind of is lol. In this case I'm pretty certain he's going to die.
Oh and one thing I'm really really not happy about is the fact that the release date is 21st July! That's the date I start my two weeks Jury service which means I'm not going to have much time for 2 weeks to sit and read Harry Potter. This is also means that its going to get spoilt for me by either people telling me what happens, seeing it online, seeing it in a newspaper or something on the TV/radio. People are going to be talking about it everywhere and its going to be near impossible to not have it spoilt my someone. Damn it!