Jul 31, 2006 23:49
YAY!!! HOME SWEET HOME!!! orientation pretty much sucked haha...it was the most boring 3 hours of my life...i think sat in a room for 3 hours listening to them talk about how difficult my major is and what classes i need to take and stuff. then i met up with TIFF OMG =) that was exciting...kinda xP yep...then lets see went on a housing tour the dorms are HECKA NICE compared to berkely's dorms lol then i walked over to the UCitems shop to get my photo id taken for irvine BUT IT WAS CLOSED!!!! >:O so im gonna have to go back when school starts and wait in a hecka long line *sigh* then the drive back home...OMG...LA TRAFFIC SUCKS stuck in traffic for 2 hours until we got onto highway 5 xD and i am very thankful for cruise control <3 highway 5 soo straight haha...and i saw like a gazillion cows in one area haha and then my parents told me that it was a slaughter house...-_- poor cows...there were soooooo many of em...OH i also got ot watch the sunset while i was driving!!! but that wasnt such a good idea becasue when i was staring into the sun it kinda blinded me and i couldnt see very well...yah thats pretty much it...i miss my comfy bed and pillow