I finally caught up on ABDC S3 this morning...
The final two performances?
I can't even form coherent words right now, I'm seriously trippin' out! The show prior to that? I was pretty much just wondering how Quest had won because they weren't killing it as much as Beat Freakz... and then BAM episode 7 happened! You can tell they wanted it SO BAD. SO. BAD. GAH. I can't get over it! And can I just say friggin' Hirano. Friggin'. Hirano. O.O hahah xD Who knew!? He's so adorable, my new favorite right up there with Dom and Ry. Speaking of Ry, WTF. ASDFJKL; He KILLED IT on the piano during their OrQUESTra number! OH. MY. GAWD. *DIES* I'm pretty much beyond dazzled by him at this point *_*
Hip Hop Decathalon Picspam
Ry calling the guys to order, bracing against D's back to flip over, being a rockstar, and a human pretzel.
Vic KILLING. IT. during the threading section, a sexy transition, and Hok's I N S A N E tutting section.
King Tut and some of my favorite parts of the routine -- woo, sexy hip thrusts xD
The boys setting up for D, D freakin' KILLING. IT. with the elbow air flares while the boys exploded out, and... FRIGGIN'. HIRANO. O.O
F R I G G I N '. H I R A N O. O.O and Steve KILLING. IT. with his seated no-hands backflip!
OrQUESTra Picspam
Ry and Vic killing it on the piano, Ry continuing to pwn that piano, D pwning the piano, and Ry playing because he's just amazing like that. *FANGIRLS*
D and Ry pwning my life, Vic doing his crazy nonsense, Ry playing with one freakin' hand, and ZOMG QUEST CREW REPRESENT!
Kudos to Steve, Vic, and Ry for wearing bow ties <333
P.S. I have to add that seeing Ry and Dom curling up on the floor and crying after they had been proclaimed champs in the final episode was love of epic proportions. LOVE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. I just wanted to squish the two of them <333
Real Men Cry Picspam
Dom goes down first, all the way down, then Ry hits the floor and Steve tries to get D up, and D looks on as Ry continues to make me adore him even more.
Ry still down even when Beat Freakz goes to congratulate them, RyTRIX = bromance <3, and I am so dying over Ry and D's faces in the last two <3 T_T *squishes*
Look at Ryan! *squishes* GAH. Real men cry, bizzles! And then look at him holding on to Hok <3 I. FLOVE. HIM.