Tough to put off any longer

Feb 27, 2008 22:05

I daresay it's time for two horrible appointments I've been putting for a year, and one for years and years.

My feet need to be, well, broken and reset, one at a time, to fix the incedibly painful, malformed Metatarsophalangeal joint in each foot. I actually already had this surgery scheduled for last May, but then, well, either nature, the Lord, or fate (you pick, reader) conspired to see me knocked up, preventing my ability to undergo general anesthesia, so I had to cancel the surgery. And since then, and especially since the babe arrived (with all her concomitant heavy gear to schlep) I have tried shoe after shoe after horrid, ugly shoe to try to find something comfortable and even sort of a little bit cute or even slightly more professional than a pair of athletic sneakers...and there is just nothing I can actually stand to wear, and the truth is nigh: there aren't shoes that can fix the pain of bony deformities, period. I walk around most every day with a feeling like a knife in the side of each foot. It's time to get the surgery that was suggested last year to end my lifelong foot pain for good. Heck, maybe someday I'll even be able to wear heels sometimes. We'll see.

I will be flat on my back for two weeks with each foot. It won't be easy with the baby, but I'll just have to get help. It's gotta be easier now than when she's a toddler and I will have to chase her all over the place to keep her from, you know, licking the woodstove or going for a swim in the toilet or eating Brillo pads from under the sink or biting the cat's feet off, or whatever toddlers do. (OK, so we don't have a cat.) I confess: I am genuinely freaked out about recovering from this surgery. Any success stories most welcome.

The other procrastination that has to end is my aversion to seeing a dentist. Gack. I am just as genuine about my embarrassment to admit how long it has been since I went (even longer if you don't count the time I went to the dental school for free x-rays...) I think I have done just fine without for this long, but now I have dental insurance (actually have for a few years now, and haven't used it, heh)...I have a bridge that is surface-chipped in one spot and completely broken off in another, which presents a gap between two front teeth that actually whistles whenever I make an unvoiced dentolabial fricative (what you normal, non-language-geek people would call an "F" if you weren't trying to be some kinda showoff or something). It's been like this for years, but I've just come to find it really annoying lately, and since the teeth anchoring it kind of hurt from time to time, and I haven't had a cleaning in wayyy too long (because I am always afraid they're going to tell me I have to undergo this multi-gazillion dollar and incredibly painful procedure to replace this bridge if  I so much as set foot in the office) I know the time has come.

So yeah. Medical mayhem. Whoo!

I'll console myself with the reminder that although I insisted on going through childbirth unmedicated, they do make faaabulous painkillers these days, and so at least none of these procedures are bound to be even half as painful than passing an entire human being through my cervix.

So yeah. No biggie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be over there in the fetal position eating my fingers.

things that totally suck arse, procrastination, health

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