Mar 29, 2006 13:05
I'll admit it, change scares me. And by change, I mean the big, drastic decisions where you feel like you're standing over a very very very very very high cliff and your only options are to parachute or to hang glide down. And by scare I don't just mean I feel queasy and need a pill or two to make it go away but more like I feel that my feet are suddenly, miraculously bolted to the ground and I couldn't move in any direction, much less forward, even if I wanted to.
Funny how you think you want something and when it finally becomes almost there, when the possibility of it is just on the horizon marring (or accenting) your already perfect sunset, you run away from it at top speed and screaming like a banshee.
You rethink. You restrategize. You hold your breath and wait until you turn blue. You hold it back at arm's length, trying to see the little cracks that escaped your eye on the first pass. You rationalize. You weigh, reweigh, consider, reconsider, and then re-reconsider. And the fact remains that you're so scared you're just about ready to pee in your pants but you have to make a decision anyway. And you have to make one fast. I guess that's where my icon comes in handy, eh? Maybe that should be my new motto, Think MacGyver, act MacGyver, BE MacGyver. (Albeit the girl version.)
Growing up is not all that it's cracked up to be.
I couldn't have stumbled upon this at a better time:
Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.
Louis L'Amour