Fill this out for me if you love me please! I love ya'll anyways even if you dont! 1. My name
2. Where did we meet?
3. Take a stab at my middle name
4. How long have you known me?
5. How well do you know me?
6. Do I smoke?
7. Whats my favourite color?
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression?
9. My age?
10. My birthday?
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2. Where did we meet? School
3. Take a stab at my middle name Uhh Michelle duh
4. How long have you known me? umm a year and like 2 months
5. How well do you know me? VERY WELL
6. Do I smoke? NO
7. Whats my favourite color? umm purple ???
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression? Don't remember
9. My age? 15
10. My birthday?
11. Color Hair? brown
12. Color eyes? brown
13. Have you ever had a crush on me? u know it
14. Have you ever been jealous of me? prolly
15. Whats one of my fav things to do indoors ? umm hang out with me
16. Do you remember the first things I said to you when we first met? Hi
17. What's my fav type of music?: Rap
18.What's one of my fav things to do outdoors?: talk to me of course
19. Am I shy or outgoing? Depends
20.Would you say Im funny HAHA or funny (sarcastic)?: both
21. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?: rules
22. Would you consider me a friend?: who you NO !!!! j/k one of my best
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, snobby, or something else?: Perfectionist
24. Have you ever seen me cry?: Yup
25. If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be? My Sexy Nobody
26. Do I have a nice butt? (same thing applies as in question..13)
Umm dunno
27. If I had broccoli stuck on my teeth, would you tell me?
Yea after I got done laughin
28. Do you love me? (same thing applies as in questions 13 & 27)
Of Course !!!!!!! I Love you the most !!
AM I.... ?!?!?!?
29. Quiet or loud? Depends
30. Short or Tall: Average
31.Weird or original: Both
32. Smart or stupid? VERY smart
33. Boring or Fun? Fun
35. Attractive or Unattractive?
Oh u know ur so hott
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