Oh raaaaaaaaaaaaar.

Apr 10, 2004 14:57

I have had one of the most boring weeks in my life. Shame we had to leave school on a low note with all my friends disliking me as no-one ever phones me to do anything.

I dyed my hair on Thursday and the result wasn't exactly what I fathomed but it's ok/ I'm gonna lighten it again though. Looks like
Yeah, I laughed too.

A while ago I had this regular nose-bleed thing going on and it appears to have come back. Everytime I knock my nose slightly or get a runny one or an allergic reaction to one of my cats it starts off again. I hate saturdays they put me in a bad mood and I'm easily irritated. But I revamped this LJ, so I can forget to update it again but it's nicer to look at. Well go watch The Exorcist in 30 Seconds as Re-enacted by Bunnies and then comment on this and add me to your friends and stuff. Love Helen.
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